Recently I was asked by a business owner what is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ? I almost wanted to shack my head with disbelief. Of course I remained composed. Always the professional, knowing not everyone was as tech savvy. So I explained it’s organizing your website to cater to your customers so that you can be found on search engines such as Google. Remember everything in that one sentence. Your main focus when attempting to optimize your page is not to stuff it with keywords, or chase after Google’s ever changing algorithm (Dog chasing his tail). The most important thing to do is keep your target audience in mind. Use content that will match their verbiage. Put yourself in their shoes, and pretend you are them behind the computer screen. Ask yourself what terms would they be most likely to enter to find your business. Then consider the types of questions they ask you such as, “Where in Sarasota are you located?” Answer these questions in your website. Maybe you might want...
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